Sunday, January 15, 2012

Alarm Clocks

I now totally depend on my Android to wake up in the morning.

The obvious reasons are that contrary to my bedside table's alarm clock, I can have any number of alarms, that rings on different days (and don't ring on weekends), using any sound or song I want.  But there's a few more advantages to alarm clock apps.

Interesting features include naps (ring in X minutes), speak on wake (use Text To Speech to say the time or weather), night clock mode (if you dock your phone), snooze and dismiss control (like requiring to solve a math question to turn off the alarm, to make sure you're really up) and, one of my favorite, "gentle" alarm.  This plays your selected sound at a slowly increasing volume to wake you up gently :)

There's many good alarm clock apps with similar features, but playing with the main ones got me to choose Alarm Clock Plus.  It offers all of the above features in a clean packages, and comes with a neat clock widget.

If you're using android's default alarm clock, or worst, still relying on that old beige thing beside your bed, head over to the market and download something that will wake you up in a more enjoyable way while letting you sleep later when you can.

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