Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Battery widget

Sadly, many modern "phones" have quite a short battery life.

You can't make your phone's battery perform better, but you can keep and eye on it and, if it's not satisfying, try and figure out why it's not performing as you'd like it to.

One tool I like for that is Gauge Battery Widget.  It's a simple, clean little configurable widget that displays your battery level as a percentage and gauge of your choice.  Clicking on it will let you reach the system's top battery consumers screen.  This lets you quickly see those stats without having to dig through the system menus.

Normally, most phone should have "Display" as their top battery consumer.  Powering up that nice screen does take juice.  But if you're unlucky, your top battery consumer will be "Android OS", which is a generic name for a bunch of system processes.